Service Map

Transit Time Calculator

We offer complete-state coverage in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin. Additionally we offer partial-state coverage in Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota and South Dakota.  Dohrn also offers enhanced services between […]

Points Download

» Direct Points Only » All Points » Dohrn Service Territory Flier

Rules Tariff

» Dohrn Rules Tariff – effective 06-01-2024 » Fuel Surcharge Supplement » Download DHRN 500 Rate Calculator for Windows » Dohrn Region Zip Code Definitions Current Dohrn Rate Tariff Pricing […]

Density Calculator

Miscellaneous Information Classification and Measurements-Two of the most important factors that affect your shipping costs are the freight classification and the density of the shipment. Determining Freight Classification-To correctly rate […]

Rate Quote

For a Real-Time Quote, sign in to your account. Our quote department is available Monday through Friday from 7a.m. to 4p.m. Typical response time is 30 minutes or less.

Shipping Labels

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Pickup Request

Tracking Reports

Creating and Scheduling Custom Reports on Dohrn Website – Active Shipments


File a Claim: To file a claim, you may download our claims form and email it to Check the Status of an Existing Claim: Complete and submit the form below.

Shipping Forms

General Shipping Documents: Bill of Lading Claims Blind Shipment Form Overcharge Form